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(317) 621-2520

Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis


Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis


Plastic Surgeons nationwide confront rise of the Ozempic Body

Have you noticed some celebrities getting thinner and thinner? Hollywood’s impact on the weight loss phenomenon has swept the nation with a new dieting storm. It’s all over the media and celebrities like Khloé Kardashian, Chelsea Handler, Amy Schumer, Oprah Winfrey, Kelly Clarkson and even Dr. Phil have been shrinking lately. The off-label use of the injectable Type 2 diabetic drug Ozempic and its fellow semaglutide drugs, including the obesity drugs Wegocy and Mounjaro are impacting patients to rapidly shed pounds by suppressing their appetite and slowing digestion. One unintended side effect of the drug is being called the “Ozempic Face”. A term coined by Cosmetic Dermatologist, Dr. Paul J. Frank, describing the gaunt look resulting from the sudden volume loss which some plastic surgeons are combatting with chin and neck lift, facelifts, and/or transferring fat from the hips or abdomen to the face. The “Ozempic Body” is a newer blanket term being used for patients who have quickly lost an abundant amount of weight where they may be happy with the number on the scale but not satisfied with their body in the mirror. 2024 is the year where many plastic surgeons are seeing the ramifications of the Ozempic face and body where weight loss patients are needing significant skin tightening procedures. Seek local and experienced plastic surgeons who are board certified plastics surgeons can be verified on the American Society of Plastic Surgery at the website at: www.plasticsurgery.org

Dr. Wagner’s recommendations for significant weight loss patients

When it comes to getting plastic surgery after a significant weight amount of weight. In general, it is recommended to wait at least 6 months and maintain your weight before undergoing any elective cosmetic surgeries. This allows adequate time to assess the effectiveness of the medication and time for the patient to mentally adjust. An important part of weight loss is seeing how much recoil the skin may get back. Keep in mind that skin will never recoil to the degree it was prior to your weight loss. The recoiling of the elasticity won’t be what is was when you were thinner and younger, but given time it may recoil to some degree. The recoiling is dependent on your skin’s elasticity, age, region of weight loss, etc. BMI should be 32 or below for those considering any body contouring surgeries.

Dr. Wagner is committed to serving patients achieve their ideal body shape to helping them feel more confident in their own skin. Wagner and Associates offers body contouring procedures like: Tummy Tucks, 360 Belt Lift Lipectomies, Breast Lifts and/or Reductions, Brachioplasty, Thighplasty, Gynecomastia, Liposuction, Fat Transfers or any combination of these procedures. In person consultations are needed to assess skin elasticity and to determine which procedure(s) will give the patients their desired outcome. These surgeries are cosmetic in nature and are considered self-pay. Wagner and Associates does not accept insurance for any procedures at our facility.

If you have lost weight and are interested in changing your shape with cosmetic surgery please contact Wagner Plastic Surgery at (317) 621-2520 or click below to request an in-person consultation to how we can assist you in living more confidently.
