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A Thighplasty Shapes and Sculpts Your Thighs

Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis

A Thighplasty Shapes and Sculpts Your Thighs

A thighplasty, also known as a thigh lift, is a procedure that involves removing the extra fat, skin, and other tissue from the inner and outer thighs. It’s designed to lift the saggy thigh skin, thereby toning and refining the upper legs.

Most candidates who opt for thighplasty are those with excess skin as a result of extreme weight loss. The loose saggy skin can also be due to the natural effects of aging. Thighplasty is also a good option for those who have had a hard time reaching their aesthetic goals through exercise and dieting alone.

This surgery is for all those who have made the decision to regain their youthful bodies and tone their legs by creating tight, firm, and toned thighs.

How A Thighplasty Shapes Your Thighs

The upper portion of the legs can pose a huge problem as you grow older since the skin begins to sag with age. Cellulite, fat cells, and excess skin can accumulate on the thighs, thereby making people seem much larger than they are and even older in some cases. People who have suddenly lost an incredible amount of weight often find themselves in this position.

Sagging skin can make one feel self-conscious, especially when they’re wearing tight or revealing outfits that show off their bodies.

The solution to sagging skin is usually vigorous exercise and a healthy diet. However, very few people are able to shape their thighs and achieve good results through these methods alone.

Fortunately, these people can now have a sigh of relief as plastic surgery offers a great solution in the form of the thigh lift surgery.

When Do You Need a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is perfect for people who face the following issues:

  • Flabby, lumpy, and sagging skin due to aging or weight loss.
  • Rubbing of the thighs that causes painful sensations and irritation when you’re walking around regularly.
  • You have a hard time finding clothes that fit around the contours of your legs attractively.

The Thighplasty Surgery

The incision pattern involved in a thighplasty varies and depends on the type of thigh lift and the area that is being operated upon.

In the case of the medial or inner thighplasty, there is an incision that is made in the groin area and the excess fat and skin are removed from the inner thigh. Liposuction might be involved in this process, but is not always the case. It would depend on your needs and requirements.

In a thigh lift, the portion from the groin to the knee is recontoured and this process is repeated for the other thigh as well.

The lateral or outer thigh lift is a more difficult procedure that mostly involves recontouring the outer thighs and buttocks. This is a more difficult process as it also involves the elimination of more tissue.

In the case of lateral thigh lifting, there is a chance of scarring. Besides, the candidate has to take extra care and maintain their weight as the skin will be less elastic after the thighplasty surgery.

Recovery and Outcome

After a thighplasty surgery, the candidate might experience a small amount of pain and discomfort, which is quite common. The pain, however, can be curbed using dental medication. All stitches are usually removed within twenty weeks (it might vary from person to person), and the individual is able to return to work a couple of weeks after the surgery.

See a More Confident You With A Thighplasty!

There is no doubt that a thighplasty will make you feel more confident about wearing the clothes you want to. It can help make you feel lighter and happier, giving you an overall ‘feel good’ sensation. Contact Wagner and Associates Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Indiana to learn more about the thighplasty surgery and the benefits it can offer.