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Surgery after weight loss Before & After Photos

Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis

Surgery after weight loss Before & After Photos


This patient had great success with her weight loss and chose to have a Thigh Lift and Body Lift to complete her transformation.


After a large volume weight loss this patient wanted a Thigh Lift along with a Body Lift.


This woman was left with a loose skin after losing a lot of weight and decided to have a Thigh Lift.


Patient had thigh lift 5 years after bariactric surgery.


After losing 160 pounds with aggressive dieting this 19 year old Indianapolis, Indiana woman was left with excess skin in her upper arms. She scheduled a consultation to see Dr Wagner for a brachioplasty. She had been overweight most of her life, and after such a dramatic weight loss she wanted to look as good as she felt. She is planning to have an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) in the near future.


This Indianapolis, Indiana woman came to Wagner and Associates after losing over 100 pounds. She was bothered by the loose skin in her upper arms. Dr Wagner performed a brachioplasty to help her regain a more youthful appearance.


After losing quite a bit of weight with diet and exercise this woman wanted an Arm Lift so that she could exercise more comfortably.


This woman had an Arm Lift along with a Body Lift after a significant weight loss.


After two pregnancies, thisGreenwood, Indiana woman contacted our office to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr Jeffrey Wagner for a “Mommy Makeover”. She was unhappy with the changes in her body after the birth of her second child, specifically the loss of volume and droopiness in her breasts. Dr Wagner suggested a breast lift (mastopexy) along with a breast augmentation to correct the sagging, loss of volume and unevenness of her breasts also known as asymmetry. She choose saline implants filled to 375 cc’s on the left and 325 cc’s on the right placed under the muscle. This patient also had an abdominoplasty, see additional photos in the tummy tuck photo gallery.


Pregnancy affects every woman differently and this case is proof positive of that. This 36 year old mother of four is very petite and slender overall but experienced significant loose skin, stretch marks, and sagging in her breasts and abdominal area. She was considering abdominoplasty along with breast enhancement in Indianapolis when she came into Wagner and Associates for her consultation.

During the consult, Dr. Wagner noted significant breast asymmetry (the left breast drooped considerably more than the right), but also noted that she had a significant amount of existing breast volume. He recommended that a breast lift alone would achieve her reshaping goals. In many cases, breast sagginess will also be accompanied by volume loss, requiring breast augmentation to create an attractive end result.

The “after” pictures, taken 6 weeks after surgery, already show a much more flattering and balanced profile from the breasts all the way down to the lower torso. They also show substantial healing of the breast lift incisions, which were placed around the nipples and down toward the base of the breasts.

She is extremely happy with her Indianapolis plastic surgery results and feels that she was able to substantially refresh her appearance.


Mastopexty to improve asymmetry in left breast and bilateral droopiness.


A large volume weight loss brought this woman to Dr Wagner for a Body Lift.


After losing a large amount of weight and trying to tone up the loose skin this woman came to Dr Wagner for a Body Lift. Her results are amazing!


After a large volume weight loss this woman felt that her body looked deflated so she had a Body Lift and Thigh Lift to get back the tight toned body that she used to have.


This mother of two was left with a lot of excess skin after her pregnancies so she choose to have a Body Lift and a Breast Lift.


This woman chose to have a Body Lift and Thigh Lift after a large volume weight loss.


This is a 36 year old Indianapolis, Indiana mother of five who lost over 60 pounds with the help of diet and exercise after she delivered her last child. Unfortunately, she was left with a large amount of loose, sagging skin as a result of the multiple pregnancies and associated weight gain. She was interested in cosmetic surgery in Indianapolis to improve areas of her body that did not respond well to her diet and exercise plan.

At her consultation Dr. Wagner noted several layers of fat and loose skin on the abdomen as well as areas of excess fat and sagginess above the hips and on the buttocks. The flap of loose skin and tissue on her lower abdomen – known as a “pannus” – was particularly bothersome and made her clothes fit uncomfortably. He reviewed options with her and together they decided on a circumferential body lift incorporating a tummy tuck.

During surgery, Dr. Wagner performed an abdominoplasty and buttock lift to remove the sagging skin and tighten her abdominal muscles. As you can see from the photos, her results are dramatic. Gone are the areas of loose tissue and fat, giving her a smoother and more slender mid-body appearance.

She recovered very well from the body lift and tummy tuck in Indianapolis, and she is extremely happy with her new shape. Remarkable results like these that are achieved from cosmetic surgery after a large volume weight loss are very gratifying for the patient and the physician.