Nicole received five souvenirs from her pregnancies – three beautiful children, one sagging bust-line and one flabby midsection. Despite gym time and a personal trainer, she couldn’t get rid of the stubborn muffin top around her waistline or the extra fullness on her hips. Some may even say she was wearing a flesh colored apron. Nicole also missed the fuller volume of her pre-pregnancy breasts.
Like many women, Tracy opted to breast feed her two children. Although she was able to restore her waistline to pre-pregnancy size, she was ultimately left with breasts that resembled two deflated balloons which made her feel less feminine and self-conscious.
Both Nicole and Tracy were excellent candidates for a Mommy Makeover.
Some women consider their new post-pregnancy bodies to be ‘badges of honor’ and wouldn’t change a thing. Others, like Nicole and Tracy, feel less feminine and less confident by their inability to get their pre-baby bodies back. For those women who are bothered, a Mommy Makeover may be just the solution. Keep in mind that many women can benefit from these types of procedures whether they’re a ‘mommy’ or not. Hormonal changes and gravity occur in all women so these types of procedures can benefit any woman.
Nine months of rapid weight gain combined with stretching of the skin and underlying muscle expansion can do a number on the body! No amount of planks and crunches can contract expanded abdominal muscles and tighten extra skin. Many mothers report a loss of breast volume as a result from enlarged breasts during pregnancy and/or breast feeding. A Mommy Makeover is different for every patient but typically involves a breast lift and/or breast augmentation, tummy tuck and liposuction.
The decision to enhance your appearance through cosmetic surgery is a personal one. Each patient needs to decide for themselves if it’s right for them. Thoughts to consider when deciding on a Mommy Makeover include:
- What is your motivation? Are you doing this for someone else, or for yourself?
- What do you want to change?
- How long have you wanted to do this?
- What are your expectations?
Cosmetic surgery is an ideal option for the woman who is uncomfortable with their body. It can give you the opportunity to increase your confidence and enjoy a fuller life.
Nicole opted for a breast augmentation, liposuction and tummy tuck. The liposuction reduced the extra fat in her hips. The tummy tuck flattened her stomach and tightened her abdominal muscles, giving her an internal corset and ridding her of that bothersome muffin top. After surgery, Nicole’s body regained its pre-pregnancy proportions. Her clothing fits much better and she claims to feel more confident and comfortable in her own skin.
Tracy decided to resolve her empty, deflated chest with a breast augmentation using silicone breast implants. She is now back to a mid C-cup, which was her size prior to pregnancy. Her breasts look natural and are now in proportion with the rest of her body. Tracy is ecstatic with her results. She is wearing pre-pregnancy clothing and is thrilled to not have to wear a padded bra with the straps in the tightest, most uncomfortable position.
Patient names have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.