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Tired Eyes? Eyelid Surgery Can Give You an Alert and Perky Look

Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis

Tired Eyes? Eyelid Surgery Can Give You an Alert and Perky Look

Eyes that look constantly tired due to droopy eyelids can take away from your overall appearance. If you are feeling self-conscious about your appearance and want to look your best, you may be looking for a change.

You can regain an alert and perky look with the help of eyelid surgery. Also known as blepharoplasty surgery, this procedure can tighten sagging eyelid skin and remove puffiness and wrinkles.

What Is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery is essentially a cosmetic procedure meant to improve your overall appearance. For elderly people, droopy eyelids can also cause vision-related problems. When this surgery is used to correct these, it is considered a functional procedure.

For many people, this issue can be genetic in nature and might run in the family. For others, it is an effect of the loss of skin elasticity that naturally accompanies aging.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for You?

If you want to improve the appearance of your eyes and get a more alert look, you should consider undergoing a blepharoplasty. For those with fine wrinkles on the eyelids and bags underneath, this procedure is an excellent choice.

Ideally, it is done for people who are above 35 years of age. However, those who are genetically predisposed to droopy eyelids can consider this surgery at an earlier age.

You need to be in good health so that the surgery does not lead to complications. Smokers are advised to give up smoking several weeks prior to the operation, since it can affect the length of the healing process and the chance of complications.

It is essential to get a consultation prior to the surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Wagner evaluates eye-related conditions like dry eyes and eye diseases before deciding if you’re able to safely get a blepharoplasty.

How Is a Blepharoplasty Performed?

Prior to the surgery, patients are requested to stop taking medications that include blood thinners. Only essential medicines should be taken before the surgery. The recipient also needs to be on an empty stomach while the surgery is done.

Most patients get eyelid surgery under local anesthesia with IV sedation. For those with other health problems, general anesthesia may be used. Also, if other cosmetic procedures are going to be performed at the same time as this procedure, general anesthesia may be used.

Dr. Wagner makes an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid at the start of the surgery. Once the incisions are made, excess skin and fat are removed and sagging muscle tissue is tightened. Surgical tools or a laser may be used as part of the procedure, and sutures or surgical glue are used to seal the incisions.

This process is repeated for the lower eyelids. The incision for this is made right below the lash line or on the inside of the eyelid.

Antibiotic ointments, ice packs, and painkillers are prescribed to ensure quick recovery. Within a few weeks, healing is complete and the effects of the surgery start to become visible.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Interested in learning more about an eyelid surgery? Contact Wagner and Associates for a consultation to learn more about the procedure and other plastic-surgery options available to you. Dr. Wagner will be happy to answer any questions you may have.