This young mother of two from Anderson, Indiana came to see Dr Jeffrey Wagner for breast augmentation in Indianapolis. She was particularly interested in breast rejuvenation after her second pregnancy, which caused her to lose a considerable amount of breast volume.
At her consultation, she said that she wanted to regain her pre-pregnancy breast size, volume and perkiness. Dr. Wagner discussed a combined breast lift and breast augmentation with her (also known as an augmentation mastopexy), but she didn’t want the scars around the nipple and lower portion of the breast that are associated with a breast lift. Dr. Wagner then discussed the option of a larger implant to fill up the loose breast skin. While she would be “going larger” than her breasts had been before pregnancy, she liked the fact that she would not have noticeable scarring after surgery.
For her breast cosmetic surgery in Indianapolis, she chose 510cc saline implants placed under the muscle and filled to 530cc. Dr. Wagner may slightly overfill saline implants to limit the amount of “sloshing” or “rippling” that can occur with this implant type. Submuscular placement of the implants creates a very natural breast contour, especially when larger volume implants are used. Now that she has fully recovered and her scars have lightened, she is very happy with her results.