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Body Before & After Photos

Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis

Body Before & After Photos


Post op- 1 year

Brazilian Butt Lift – 35 year old female patient who wanted liposuction and fat transfer to buttocks.


49 year old female who underwent a Brazilian Butt Lift. A total of 4000ml’s were removed from Liposuction. High quality autologous fat in the amount of 1800 ml’s were injected into each buttock, 900 ml’s into each side.


This patient had great success with her weight loss and chose to have a Thigh Lift and Body Lift to complete her transformation.


This woman was left with a loose skin after losing a lot of weight and decided to have a Thigh Lift.


After a large volume weight loss this patient wanted a Thigh Lift along with a Body Lift.


Patient had thigh lift 5 years after bariactric surgery.


After losing 160 pounds with aggressive dieting this 19 year old Indianapolis, Indiana woman was left with excess skin in her upper arms. She scheduled a consultation to see Dr Wagner for a brachioplasty. She had been overweight most of her life, and after such a dramatic weight loss she wanted to look as good as she felt. She is planning to have an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) in the near future.


This Indianapolis, Indiana woman came to Wagner and Associates after losing over 100 pounds. She was bothered by the loose skin in her upper arms. Dr Wagner performed a brachioplasty to help her regain a more youthful appearance.


After losing quite a bit of weight with diet and exercise this woman wanted an Arm Lift so that she could exercise more comfortably.


This woman had an Arm Lift along with a Body Lift after a significant weight loss.


After losing all of her excess weight, removing the loose sagging skin was the next step. This woman had a Body Lift and a Thigh Lift.


This patient lost over 100 pounds and was left with a lot of excess skin that required Dr Wagner to use a horizontal and vertical incision to get her the best result


Losing a lot of weight left this man with excess skin that wouldn’t respond to exercise so he choose to have a Body Lift and got a great result.


After losing over 50 pounds this young women needed a Body Lift to remove the excess skin.


A large volume weight loss brought this woman to Dr Wagner for a Body Lift.


After losing a large amount of weight and trying to tone up the loose skin this woman came to Dr Wagner for a Body Lift. Her results are amazing!


After a large volume weight loss this woman felt that her body looked deflated so she had a Body Lift and Thigh Lift to get back the tight toned body that she used to have.


This mother of two was left with a lot of excess skin after her pregnancies so she choose to have a Body Lift and a Breast Lift.


This woman chose to have a Body Lift and Thigh Lift after a large volume weight loss.


This is a 36 year old Indianapolis, Indiana mother of five who lost over 60 pounds with the help of diet and exercise after she delivered her last child. Unfortunately, she was left with a large amount of loose, sagging skin as a result of the multiple pregnancies and associated weight gain. She was interested in cosmetic surgery in Indianapolis to improve areas of her body that did not respond well to her diet and exercise plan.

At her consultation Dr. Wagner noted several layers of fat and loose skin on the abdomen as well as areas of excess fat and sagginess above the hips and on the buttocks. The flap of loose skin and tissue on her lower abdomen – known as a “pannus” – was particularly bothersome and made her clothes fit uncomfortably. He reviewed options with her and together they decided on a circumferential body lift incorporating a tummy tuck.

During surgery, Dr. Wagner performed an abdominoplasty and buttock lift to remove the sagging skin and tighten her abdominal muscles. As you can see from the photos, her results are dramatic. Gone are the areas of loose tissue and fat, giving her a smoother and more slender mid-body appearance.

She recovered very well from the body lift and tummy tuck in Indianapolis, and she is extremely happy with her new shape. Remarkable results like these that are achieved from cosmetic surgery after a large volume weight loss are very gratifying for the patient and the physician.


42 year old female who had a body lift which for this case was equivalent to an extended Tummy Tuck with a Buttock Lift Belt Lipectomy.


Hip and thigh Liposuction


Liposuction of her abdomen, flanks, hips and thighs.


Abdomen, flank, hip and thigh Liposuction.


Liposuction of her abdomen, flanks, hips and thighs.


Liposuction of her upper arms.


Liposuction of her abdomen, flanks, hips and thighs.


Liposuction of her abdomen, flanks, hips and thighs.


This 35 year old woman from Indiana came to Dr Jeffrey Wagner in our Indianapolis office to discuss fatty deposits in her buttocks, thighs, hip and abdominal area that were resistant to diet and exercise. Dr Wagner performed tumescent liposuction on her abdomen, thighs, hips and buttocks. The results are amazing and the patient dropped 2 pant sizes immediately.


Liposuction of her flanks, hips and thighs along with a Tummy Tuck.


This mother of 5 had thigh liposuction.


This patient got fantastic results from abdominal and flank lipo.


33 year old patient who underwent a male tummy tuck and liposuction procedure.


LIPO to abdomen, hips, thighs and flanks

30 year old female who underwent liposuction to the abdomen, hips, thighs and flanks. Approximately 3000 cc we


After 2 cesarean sections this Greenwood, Indiana woman was left with excess skin and abdominal fat that was resistant to exercise. She was an excellent candidate for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). She is very pleased with her results and gets many compliments on her new figure. This patient also had a breast lift with augmentation, you can see her photos labeled as case number 33 in the breast section.


Patient had abdominoplasty 5 years after bariactric surgery.


This 41 year old mother of four came to our Indianapolis cosmetic surgery practice looking for a way to tighten and tone her midsection. As you might suspect after having four children, this patient’s tummy area began to sag and the loosened muscles did not respond to exercise. In addition, she needed to have some excess fat removed from the lower abdomen. This unwanted fat is especially noticeable when she is viewed from the side.

Tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) are a key component of the mommy makeover for most women. Mommy makeovers are not a single procedure but rather an individualized collection of procedures that help women address their unique body needs. In addition to abdominoplasty, liposuction can help women resculpt their bodies and remove excess pockets of unwanted fat.

In addition, pregnancy can have a significant negative impact on the appearance of the breasts. Volume loss can be repaired with breast implants and breast sagging can be resolved through a breast lift procedure.

This patient had loose skin and abdominal scars following the birth of triplets. Having a tummy tuck in Indianapolis was the perfect option for her to rejuvenate her midsection. As you can see, she achieved significantly improved cosmetic results following her abdominoplasty and is very pleased with the outcome.


This 44 year old woman was interested in having a tummy tuck in Indianapolis and came to Wagner and Associates Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Consultants of Indiana in search of guidance about her options. As you can see especially from the side views, she had a significant amount of excess skin and fat on the lower abdomen.

During her consultation with Dr. Wagner, he carefully reviewed her existing anatomy and discussed her cosmetic goals. Dr. Wagner told her that she was an excellent candidate for a mini tummy tuck because she carried most of her excess abdominal fat in her lower abdomen. The mini version of the abdominoplasty procedure requires a smaller incision and shorter recovery time, making it very appealing to a variety of cosmetic surgery patients, including moms who want to be able to get back to their families quickly.

Dr. Wagner performed tummy tuck surgery along with liposuction on her upper abdomen and flanks. The tummy tuck involved removing excess skin and fat from her lower abdomen. Liposuction is a valuable addition to the abdominoplasty procedure for many Indianapolis plastic surgery patients because it helps to create a more flattering contour than can be achieved through a tummy tuck alone.

In the photos after her surgery, the abdominal scar is still fairly visible but should continue to fade and lighten for up to a year after the procedure. She is enjoying her new figure and has dropped at least one pant size.


Patient is a mother of 3 and has had 2 C-sections.


Patient had abdominoplasty after 3 children and 3 C-sections.


36 year old, mother of 5 had an abdominoplasty and thigh liposuction.


Patient had abdominoplasty after 2 children


WOW ~ Look at the results from this tummy tuck in Indianapolis! This 53 year old mother of three came to our Indianapolis, Indiana office to consult with Dr Wagner about a tummy tuck. She had very little muscle tone, excess fat and skin as well as a lot of stretch marks. Her result is remarkable and she has dropped 3 pant sizes due to the decrease in the size of her waist.


This is a 36 year old Indianapolis, Indiana mother of five who lost over 60 pounds with the help of diet and exercise after she delivered her last child. Unfortunately, she was left with a large amount of loose, sagging skin as a result of the multiple pregnancies and associated weight gain. She was interested in cosmetic surgery in Indianapolis to improve areas of her body that did not respond well to her diet and exercise plan.

At her consultation Dr. Wagner noted several layers of fat and loose skin on the abdomen as well as areas of excess fat and sagginess above the hips and on the buttocks. The flap of loose skin and tissue on her lower abdomen – known as a “pannus” – was particularly bothersome and made her clothes fit uncomfortably. He reviewed options with her and together they decided on a circumferential body lift incorporating a tummy tuck.

During surgery, Dr. Wagner performed an abdominoplasty and buttock lift to remove the sagging skin and tighten her abdominal muscles. As you can see from the photos, her results are dramatic. Gone are the areas of loose tissue and fat, giving her a smoother and more slender mid-body appearance.

She recovered very well from the body lift and tummy tuck in Indianapolis, and she is extremely happy with her new shape. Remarkable results like these that are achieved from cosmetic surgery after a large volume weight loss are very gratifying for the patient and the physician.


33 year old patient who underwent a male tummy tuck and liposuction procedure.


This 44 year old female came to our office seeking help with her abdomen. She is a mother of several children and lives an active lifestyle. Despite her consistent exercise routine she could not get her stomach flat. She decided to go ahead with an extended abdominoplasty with suction assisted liposuction to the flanks. Please keep in mind that incisions are the most pink and red stages in the first 3 months. All incisions will continue to get smother, lighter and thinner with more time. We expect this patients incisions will look very good in 8-12 months post-operatively. These photos were taken at 8 week post op when incisions are the most pink in color.


52 year old female seeking abdominal rejuvenation with a tummy tuck. This patient is 5’5 in height and weighs 150 pounds. She is the mother of grown children and now comes to our office to seek improvement prior to attending her grown son’s wedding. Patient is 6 weeks post operative and photos reflect a true representation of her abdominal scarring and what it looks like when it’s new and fresh. This incision will continue to get better and better with time. It will get lighter in color, become smoother in texture and smaller in size as it shrinks during the healing process. Scars look their worse in the first 12 weeks and we expect this patients incisions will look significantly better in 6-12 months. This patient is very satisfied and happy with her results.


This 37 year old female received an extended abdominoplasty. She was seeking rejuvenation for her abdominal and flank region.

2 months post op


37 year old female who had a Mastopexy Breast Lift with Silicone Gel Implants, Abdominoplasty and Liposuction to thighs. 280 cc Silcone Gel implants were placed in the subglandular plane.


LIPO to abdomen, hips, thighs and flanks

30 year old female who underwent liposuction to the abdomen, hips, thighs and flanks. Approximately 3000 cc were removed.

Breast Augmentation – Patient also received a Breast Augmentation where 330 cc silicone gel breast implants were placed in the sub muscular plane.