Wagner and Associates Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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Get the Lifted Breasts You’ve Been Wanting with Mastopexy

Get the Lifted Breasts You’ve Been Wanting with Mastopexy

Breasts are one of the most prominent features on a woman’s body. However, the shape and size of the breasts often change when a woman undergoes hormonal changes, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and significant fluctuations in weight. Age also plays a huge...
Methods of Breast Reconstruction

Methods of Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction procedures are generally performed on women suffering from breast cancer and have undergone a mastectomy. Generally speaking, there are 3 categories of breast reconstruction techniques and the appropriate choice depends on several factors such as...
Male Breast Reduction Offers a More Masculine Chest

Male Breast Reduction Offers a More Masculine Chest

Gynecomastia is a condition where a male will develop enlarged breasts. Men with this issue will often attempt to rectify the problem with diet and exercise, but this does not always work out. The most effective way to treat this condition is a corrective cosmetic...
The Buttocks Lift Eliminates Unwanted Sagging

The Buttocks Lift Eliminates Unwanted Sagging

Have you ever worn a pair of shorts or trousers only to realize that from the back, you look like you have a flat butt? For those who’ve tried to improve the shape and size of the buttocks through strenuous fitness activities, but have found no success in achieving...
Plump Lips Are Just a Treatment Away

Plump Lips Are Just a Treatment Away

Don’t fret if you weren’t born with voluptuous lips. They come in all shapes and sizes and their look is largely determined by your genetics. They may also change shape as you get older, becoming thinner as time goes by. The good news is that lip-fullness can be...
How to Choose the Right Breast Implants for You

How to Choose the Right Breast Implants for You

Women who have small breasts often times feel insecure about their appearance and feel compelled to make aesthetic improvements that will help them feel better about themselves in the long run. There are a variety of plastic surgery techniques designed to improve the...